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The API is used to create, edit and delete translations, as well as to retrieve changes to translations.

Obtaining a token

Authorize at and go to the token creation page.

Token Creation Page

Create a token with the translations:update (push) and translations:read (pull) permissions.

Project ID

The project ID can be found in the project list.

Project ID

Push translations

The following request can be used to update translations:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer your-token' \
--data '{
"project_id": 1,
"files": {
"/path/to/file/index.js": {
"operation": "update",
"translations": {
"What is love?": {
"en": "What is love?",
"ar": "ما هو الحب؟"
"You have {count} something": {
"en": {
"zero": "You have nothing",
"one": "You have {count} something",
"two": null,
"few": "You have {count} something",
"many": null,
"other": null
"ar": {
"zero": "ليس لديك شيء",
"one": null,
"two": null,
"few": null,
"many": null,
"other": null


project_idYour project ID
file.operation'update' | 'delete'. 'update' will remove the current translations and overwrite them with the translations from file.translations. 'delete' will delete the translations in the file, file.translations does not need to be passed in this case
file.translationsObject with translations

Pull translations

To obtain all translations of the project, the following request can be made:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer your-token'