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Getting Started


This library is published in the NPM registry and can be installed using any compatible package manager.

npm install localang-i18n-js --save

# For Yarn, use the command below.
yarn add localang-i18n-js


Language setting

Somewhere in your entrypoint you need to call setSettings:

import { setSettings } from 'localang-i18n-js';

// By default, lang is 'en'
setSettings({ lang: 'en' });

Translation file

To create translation files automatically, without thinking about manual creation, you can use the eslint plugin.

The file with translations is best placed next to the file in which the translations will be used. For example, if the file is named index.js, the file with translations will be named index.i18n.js.

The translation file should look like the following:

import { makeI18n } from 'localang-i18n-js';
// or const { makeI18n } = require('localang-i18n-js');

const keyset = {
'What is love?': {
en: 'What is love?',
ar: 'ما هو الحب؟',
'{count} left': {
en: {
zero: 'Nothing left',
one: 'One left',
two: 'Two left',
few: 'A few left',
many: 'Many left',
other: '{count} left',
ar: {
zero: 'ليس لديك شيء',
one: '',
two: '',
few: '',
many: '',
other: ''

export const i18n = makeI18n(keyset);
// or module.exports = makeI18n(keyset);

Next you can use translations:

import { i18n } from './index.i18n';
// or const i18n = require('./index.i18n');

console.log(i18n('What is love?')) // What is love?
console.log(i18n('{count} left', { count: 1 })) // One left


The second argument in the i18n function is a dictionary with placeholder values. Any word wrapped in curly braces is a placeholder.

For example:

i18n('Your name is {name}. You are {age} years old', { 
name: 'Brad',
age: 20,
}) // Your name is Brad. You are 20 years old

Numerical placeholders

If the text has a placeholder {count}, then the translation is considered numeral.

The translation will be selected depending on the number sent to the placeholder:

const keyset = {
'{count} left': {
en: {
zero: 'Nothing left',
one: 'Just {count} left',
two: 'Two left',
few: 'A few left',
many: '{count} left',
other: '{count} left',


i18n('{count} left', { count: 1 }) // Just 1 left
i18n('{count} left', { count: 0 }) // Nothing left